Gratitude is a powerful energy. When you wake up in the morning and throughout the day, list several things you are grateful for. Share here so we can all feel the energy together, like a bonfire of Gratitude ENERGY! It is empowering and keeps you in the moment. It is the foundation of joy and happiness. This energy is something you must use to accelerate your learning curve and to make breakthroughs. Take a deep breathe and say, "I am grateful for....." Do this throughout your day and everyday, on and off the golf course.
I am grateful for the beautiful Fall clouds and the solid feel of my pitch shots.
I am grateful for the bunny rabbit grass stain on my wedge.
I am grateful for this clean and refreshing glass of water.

One of things I am truly grateful for is meeting you! The impact you have had on my life, the foods I eat, my golf game, and a new outlook in life.
I am grateful for Don's Canned Tomatoes!! Everyday is seriously Christmas Day 🎄.